There are a number of preventive regimes available to treat tooth decay medically. Research has now shown that fillings alone don’t prevent further decay.
In addition to the traditional advice of “brush and floss and don’t eat sugar”, the following antibacterial products are now available:
- Curasept gel and mouthwash
- Carifree products to prevent decay and maintain healthy mouths
- Xylitol products
- High fluoride toothpastes and mouthwashes
Depending on each individual’s situation, Dr Linnett will make recommendations for your child to stop the decay cycle. This may include
- at home products
- placement of fissure sealants
We recommend regular reviews for ongoing prevention and maintenance to
- detect changing risk status
- apply preventive treatments such as fluoride
- apply fissure sealants to protect at risk grooves in back teeth as soon as new molar teeth erupt
- provide oral health information
- advise re home care